Many square tube defects in perforation caused, so square and rectangular tube power transfer process is a key program production side of the tube. Perforation main difficulty lies in the low alloy high perforation performance, when necessary in order to ensure the quality of the deformation parameters of rational choice perforation.
Small amount of compression will cause that perforation process is unstable, so the critical amount of compression former child should head the amount of compression is generally set at about seven percent, otherwise it will not bite, even before moving to increase or card. Head in front of the compression volume increases also form inside the cavity, centering depth and space to compare based on other steels. So it is the way of the heating system on the heating temperature and quality requirements. The quality of heating depends largely on the heating operation and the heating system. Ellipticity of a relatively small value will be generally advantageous to improve the quality factor the capillary and can limit lateral deformation. However, the coefficient is too small oval does not work, this will cause difficulties rolling rotation, and even lead to the guides wear, likely to cause defects on the surface. So when the boat tie square tube should generally check the wear guides, once discovered, immediately replaced, should control the degree oval inside the 1.07-1.08 range. After the effects of normal as well as side-step process tube heating tube key processes, which affect the quality of the finished product is also very large.
Post time: Dec-16-2019